Saturday, June 30, 2012

BT Panorama

Built by granada_turnier, I found this Blacktron Panorama to be a fairly brilliant build. The greenish background for the composite shot was a great choice to offset the colors of the ship. For those who were around when the only space theme fell under the Legoland moniker; now known as Classic Space, this ship retains much of that classic styling. yet incorporates just enough modern techniques to set it apart. It immediately reminded me of set #6894 - Blacktron Invader probably due to the trans-red wedge plates on the nacelles.

Click on all sizes to really get the full effect of the composite shot. The photostream also has lots of cool old cars, tractors and other vehicles for those who like reference material for "real world" mocs.

1 comment:

  1. wow...I just discovered you blogged my ship, and what a nice text you've added, thank you very much!
