Thursday, August 29, 2013


Can't wait to see what develops this month in the SHIPyard. Some things have already been cropping up, such as this lovely vessel, the Geminon by Steve McLeod.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

I prefer the green olives.

Chirs, AKA Ironsniper has been posting a lot of wonderful builds using the new olive green color that came out this year. His AR-7 GrassBlade is no exception. Clean lines, functional looking design elements and it fits a fig! Please go check out the rest of Ironsniper's builds, he is just as formidable a builder in other colors with limited palettes.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Febrovery is over!

Febrovery had a wonderful turnout this year with builders creating 267 spacey rovers, spearheaded by its prolific founder Crimso Giger, who alone pumped out around 56 great creations. Illustrious lego fad map maker; pasukaru76, quickly posted the completed graphic which is modeled after Set #6804 Surface Rover. Congratulations to all who participated!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Daedalus Zero G Drop Suit

polywen's latest build; it's hands down the best hardsuit/spacesuit I've ever seen. The Galidor head gives a whole new scale to what would have been an excellent mecha. Go check it out now.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Space Train!

Courtesy NCS Space Train by Moctagon Jones
BNSF Line, Jupiter- (BiS) After what seems like forever for me, I'm back with (at least) one new post! And it's a zinger, an awesome Space Train by our own Jason Heltebridle. It has many striking features, such as the lustrous metal wheels, the yellow piping running along the side, and the bee-stripe insignia right near the cabin. The train itself is a tasteful combination of space elements with the look and feel of a classic Earth freighter. It also carries hints of the 10219 Maersk Train, a personal favourite of mine. Brick on, Jason!