Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lunar Lander

Contests always seem to encourage great buildings, and this Neo Classic Space themed lunar lander made by Pasukaru76 for the Iron Builder is no exception. Though built at less than minifig scale, it still has some great looking details. I encourage everyone to check out the other builds from this contest, there are many great MOCs (and several NCS) by both contestants.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

LEGO Repair Frigate

LEGO_Repair_Frigate by < dorpheos >

LEGO_Repair_Frigate, a photo by < dorpheos > on Flickr
(FG)- This amazing Microscale frigate, done up in black and yellow livery is a great example of how Cargo shipping is done in a Neo-Classic space world!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Carrier Bridge WIP
Carrier Bridge WIP by Mike the Maker
(FG)- When Lego fans think of a SHIP, they usually think of a massive minifig scale creation. Mike the Maker (Mike Yoder) takes convention and throws it out the door. Instead, he goes for an amazing 1/4 minifig scale behemoth, and he still isn't done with it!

Also, sorry about the lack of posting- it's Lego contest season, but we'll try our best to keep you updated!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

G.A.I.A. HMS Relentless Fire

by Heiwa71.

Taking a quick break from the recent mini modulars posts, here is a spaceship posted earlier today by Heiwa71 (Jon B). According to the description, it's 140 studs long (about 3.5 feet, or a bit over a meter). Looks great all over to me.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stayin' Small

Mini modulars street
Mini Modular Street by Dakar A
Now, before I star this post, I must admit that I am the creator of this MOC. Or MOCs, since it's actually two units! These are modern and pre-modern buildings, built for the small city! The red building is a miniature version of my Overdale Townhouse, Which was tough to scale down, on account of its odd footprint. Look for more Mini modulars to be posted soon!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mini Town Hall

Mini Modular Town Hall by Dave Kaleta

I noticed this earlier today during my daily check of the LEGO world, though it was apparently posted almost a month ago for the MOCAthalon.. It seems to have captured
a lot of the design features of the original.

Stroopwafel Shop

Mini Goudse Stroopwafel Shop - 1
Mini Goudse Stroopwafel Shop by Vincent Kessels

When it comes to Mini Modular MOCs, Vincent Kessels was the first one to pick up the baton and run with it. This is a beautiful recreation of his original Stroopwafel shop, fitting in as many details as possible, while still being in Mini Modular scale. The french flag, the tree out front, the small windows are all great details. The tan and brown colour scheme does wonders for the eyes as well!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Topic suggestions

To add your ideas for post topics, comment on this post. They will be added to the poll.